Friday, April 10, 2009

Tips use keyboard

At time this time available assorted product keyboard that attributed so that you are pleasant types, although during long. but more important how do you regulate posture and your body position, especially your arm, so that you can avoid exhaustion and dispute.
for that it is better follow advice stephanie brownian, a america origin piano teacher, in magazine" retake world" . " follow discipline pianist that stage, " he said. stephanie give five instructions to applied moment you type in keyboard.
1. in a line wrist with palm
strive your wrist always in a line with palm. weaken your wrist
likes to float. don't be tense.
2. elbow position hangs
ascertain your elbow in free position hangs. lean elbow in chair
back moment type, besides menyulit you to type, also make you are tense
and tired fast.
3. weaken index finger and your ringfinger
key types without tired quick melemas entire your fingers. don't be
stiff and tense. let choked, relax, does existence.
4. press button quietly
don't button powerfully or channel full strength in your hand.
remember, you are typing, doesn't strike button keyboard.
5. when not typing
is weakening overall when not pressing button at keyboard. your
conditon is before types also influence your condition at moment type.

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